Monday, July 20, 2015

7 - Being Judgmental

"Why do people judge?"

Is it because they are not open to "point of views" or what? Judgmental people do not understand the subjective nature of reality and the role that perspective plays in the way reality is perceived.
Judging people comes from the simple need to discriminate-- to find distinction between those who might be friendly or somehow like myself, from those who would be hostile. Making conversations doesn't really start until some facts are known. It's  more than just social convention, it's instinctive to look for differences.
People can judge others easily from misunderstanding or misperception, misapprehending, and from misinterpretation of matter. Even if a person is open to point of views. They may still possibly be prone to judge others recklessly, whenever some differences arise.
The world we live today is full of lies and judgments. That's why many people are suffering and many are committing suicide. We don't need to use weapons or deadly things to kill a person. We can do the killing by just using our tongues. This small and powerful tongue could make a person suffer, be in grief and solitude, be a psycho and be killed  by its own depression. All of us are judgmental, some are using it for gaining power and there are some that don't know that they are being judgmental.

Being judgmental have been part of our lives. It's like you're not a human or you're not normal if you don't judge. It's a common thing today, even though it's bad for others, we still can't manage to stop our mouth on doing it. We judge a person because we are like them. We could see ourselves on that person so we judge them. Sometimes, we don't realize that we are like that also, or maybe you don't want to accept the fact that you're like them, that you're the same as them. That's why we judge like we are not like that also. When you look at someone for the first time, it's not the looks or body language that you will recognize but the reflection of your past and old experiences.
Being judgmental is when we based on one quality of someone or something you conclude about his whole nature, about all his other qualities. You judge his wholeness based on one aspect. Being judgmental is also the same as bullying. Because you tend to judge someone by their ability or weaknesses.  
But judging could also help some other people to change. Some of the people, will take the judging as an inspirational advice and for that, they change. Judging corrects people. Others are pissed because they don't want others to correct them, it's called being selfish. Some are just accepting the truth because they know it will help them to change.

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