Tuesday, July 14, 2015

5 - Fictitious Smile

"Faking smile"

What is fictitious? Fictitious simply means not real or true. In other words, fake smile, forced smile and sometimes "sarcastic smile." Why are we afraid of showing or telling other people how we really feel? Why can't we just express our feelings truthfully? These are the most frequent questions of those people who are not brave enough to show their true feelings.

Some people think that it may affect others and it might cause something that we don't really like to happen. They are just cautious and they don't really want to bother any other people. It might be complicated for them to know and it will be also complicated for you.

They are doing fictitious things to avoid certain problems. Mostly, this occurs when we really have a big problem; a big problem that you think no one will understand but you. And they're doing this because they don't want to face the reality or they don't want to think deep about it at all. Positivity for short.

Some use this in a sarcastic way. For example, you don't like a certain person. But then you can't tell them that you don't like them. So, we don't have any other choice but to get along with them FORCEFULLY (plastik! in Filipino term). It may somehow be bad but it's good on the other hand because we just don't want to start an argument or a war. You know, we're just concern about them (lol).

Others think that faking smile or happiness may help them to solve a certain problems. And some are just forced to do it because they don't know how to react on it or how to tell their problems to others. Accepting your problem and make yourself happy for short.

Fake Smile

Some uses this for the sake of other's happiness. They just want to make others happy instead of worrying about their problem. But there are some people who are not really good at hiding or lying whatever you call. You know, when you look at their face or the way they laughs, it's obvious. They are laughing at a corny jokes, they are overreacting at some point.

Well fake smile are not just used for problems but also for hiding pressure (NERVOUS)

Others don't want to show that they are nervous, because they're thinking that they may look like a weakling. This mostly happens in some presentations or recitations. And I know that some of your bully classmates feel that way, having their prides go up high and when it comes to the real thing they stutter (ha! weaklings just kidding :3)

Actually, smiling is a natural way for us Filipinos. You know, we just automatically smile when someone looks at us to show good vibes and we don't want a bad impression. That's why Filipinos are known for being cheerful and optimistic. So there, now the fake smile is an advantage for us.

"Even though we have so many problems in our lives, we should also think that they are so many reasons why we should smile"

We could use this for nice ways not only just for covering ourselves though. And also, we have to think also about the others. You know there are some people out there who is willing to listen, lend their ears out for you. And if you tell your true feelings it will make you feel relieve at the same time rather than suffering yourself to problems.