Wednesday, July 8, 2015

4 - Dumb Ways to Die

"The worst ways to die."

Today, I'm gonna share to you guys some dumb reasons or ways to die:

1. To be eaten by sharks Probably the most worst and dumb reason why you've died. I know you don't want to die when you're in the moment of having fun. And it's really sad to have a tragic ending or died unexpectedly. But what's more worst is you can feel the pain *ugh*

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2. Heart attack (because of a flying cockroach)
I know it's kind of a overreacting but it's not impossible that this thing could happen. Most of the people (especially girls) are afraid of cockroaches and they're willing to die by some accidents rather than encountering a cockroach (especially the flying ones). If your family inherited a heart disease (heart attack specifically) and you are all scared of cockroaches, then you are LUCKY (lol). You all have the same reason why you all died, and it's perfect yet so so DUMB! Your precious life ended because of a COCKROACH!! How irritating is that?!

Omg It Can Fly!!!
3. Choked! (because of gluttony)
When we eat super delicious foods, we feel like we're in heaven. But don't you know that the food have the power to take you REALLY in heaven? Well, it's not the fault of the food but it's because of your GREEDINESS! And this is what I want to say... DON'T SWALLOW IT ALL FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE YOU'RE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!
4. To be hit by a train
Let's give an example for this one; you're in a train station waiting for a train to come (obviously) and then your wallet fell down the rails. What will you do? a.) Let it be there b.) Pick it up c.) Call a security guard? Well, of course you'll choose option A, but this stupid friend of yours kept annoying you to pick up your wallet so you decided to pick it up. And luckily, the train went unexpectedly and there you died. What a dumb reason to die... why? Because you bet your life because of your precious wallet and half of it is also your friend's fault! How naïve you are and your friend!

5. Electric shock (because you plug something with your wet hands)
This is one of the common reasons to die but then you've put a little spice on it so it became dumb also. I know that we're pretty mature and knowledgeable and I know this will not happen to you. But you know what they say "Curiosity could kill". Don't do unnecessary things that can harm you. Don't be so IGNORANT! Don't make yourselves as a DAREDEVIL! Because when you die, you'll be a laughing stock seriously because your reason of dying is so dumb.
6. Tripped! (because your shoelaces are untied)
Let me tell you a news about a basketball player who died because he tripped while playing basketball (and the impact of his fall was extreme). Why did he tripped? Because his shoelaces are untied (goodness gracious). He could just stop for a minute and tie his shoes, he'll just lose one score anyway. Same reason as the number 4, his basketball is more important than his LIFE.

7. Suicide
The scariest yet the dumbest of all the reasons. I know that you're depressed, you're not contented, you're bullied or whatever it is. But then, suiciding is not the best way to remove all those depressions and problems. You could just move on or go to a psychiatrist or something. Don't go ending your life just because you have so many problems and you don't know what to do. God gave us life because he wants us to learn how to fight those problems and how to be independent. Even if you do good things in life, if you suicide then you'll still go to hell. So beware!

And that's all for my post for today! I hope you learned a lot from it!


  1. I'd choose to die when I'm asleep rather than die electric shock :33

  2. There are many reasons to die but I rather die when i'm asleep.
