Wednesday, July 1, 2015

3 - 10 signs that you should know when a girl gives up

When a girl gives up, it's obvious.

1. She will not try to catch your attention.
Aha. Us girls wants attention. Even though the actions of girls is non sense we still want attention that's how we express that we like someone. So when we ignore you or that someone special to us, that's when you guys should know that we don't care anymore and we don't LIKE you anymore.

2. She will not fight for you anymore.
Girls won't defend you guys anymore. For example like when you guys did something wrong and we opened up our problems to our best friend, we won't argue with it anymore because usually when you guys did something wrong we always protect you to our friends even though we know that its really your fault but when we feel like giving up on you that's when we won't defend you guys anymore.

3. She won't reply your message as quickly anymore.
If we like a guy we would reply as quickly as possible to their messages because we want to have  good conversation and we want you guys also to reply as soon as possible too. But when we feel like giving up on you or if we don't like you anymore, girls won't reply as fast, it's because we simply don't like you anymore and we don't feel like its a "must." We don't feel like it's our responsibility to reply as the usual.

4. She won't try to keep the conversation going anymore.
It's like, when guys ask "what are you doing" and we girls would reply "Haha. I'm studying. How about you? :)" That's how we keep the conversation going. But when we replied this, "I'm studying. I'm busy, talk to you tomorrow." Did you see the difference? We are making excuses because we're not interested anymore. Leaving you a series of "yeah" and "gotta go." Leaving you waiting and waiting as you see months pass by. Not a word not even hello.

5. She will not care anymore.
This would be the most painful of all signs, because first of all when we don't care then it means there's nothing left for you. WE ARE REALLY GIVING UP ON YOU. *ugghhh* Example like when you guys are in trouble, we will not care, we'll just leave you struggling ALONE. If you were in a quarrel and its the girl's fault, she will not bother to say she's sorry but she will make it even worse and at the end it's your fault.

6. She no longer get jealous.
This is the second most painful sign. Example when you guys have a best friend who is a girl and she's okay with it that's when you should be alert because that's not normal. We, girls are very sensitive. We want to feel that we are the only girl in your mind because we are selfish when it comes to our guys. So when we don't get jealous that's the time that you should divert your attention to us and worry because it means that we don't care anymore.

7. She will flirt and talk to other guys.
It simply means that we know that you're jealous but still we girls still talk to other guys. *ouch* We don't care if you are jealous. It also means that she is finding a person that can understand her. And that's not you.

8. She no longer care if you care or not anymore.
Even though you get jealous it will be non sense because we don't care of what you think. It's okay for us that you don't care. Simply, it means your relationship is already "nothing" to her.

9. She no longer goes to you're profile and whine to people about how happy you are, talking to other girls.
We, girls want to be updated about who are the people you guys hang out with or talk to specially girls. But when we don't whine anymore it means we're getting "cold." Cold means, were on our way to giving up on you guys already.

10. She will give up on trying to make you love her. Because she finally realize that she deserves better.
One sided love. Because she knows you're used to and you know that she likes you. But you don't like her. She realizes that you're taking her for granted. She will stop and she will give up on trying to make you love her because she knows that you're not worth it and she finally realizes that you don't deserve her. That's the time you guys realize that you like her too and it's already too late, because she already gives up on you. *AWW*

1 comment:

  1. The most painful there would be #5 !!! Beware boys!! Hahahahaha
