Monday, July 20, 2015

7 - Being Judgmental

"Why do people judge?"

Is it because they are not open to "point of views" or what? Judgmental people do not understand the subjective nature of reality and the role that perspective plays in the way reality is perceived.
Judging people comes from the simple need to discriminate-- to find distinction between those who might be friendly or somehow like myself, from those who would be hostile. Making conversations doesn't really start until some facts are known. It's  more than just social convention, it's instinctive to look for differences.
People can judge others easily from misunderstanding or misperception, misapprehending, and from misinterpretation of matter. Even if a person is open to point of views. They may still possibly be prone to judge others recklessly, whenever some differences arise.
The world we live today is full of lies and judgments. That's why many people are suffering and many are committing suicide. We don't need to use weapons or deadly things to kill a person. We can do the killing by just using our tongues. This small and powerful tongue could make a person suffer, be in grief and solitude, be a psycho and be killed  by its own depression. All of us are judgmental, some are using it for gaining power and there are some that don't know that they are being judgmental.

Being judgmental have been part of our lives. It's like you're not a human or you're not normal if you don't judge. It's a common thing today, even though it's bad for others, we still can't manage to stop our mouth on doing it. We judge a person because we are like them. We could see ourselves on that person so we judge them. Sometimes, we don't realize that we are like that also, or maybe you don't want to accept the fact that you're like them, that you're the same as them. That's why we judge like we are not like that also. When you look at someone for the first time, it's not the looks or body language that you will recognize but the reflection of your past and old experiences.
Being judgmental is when we based on one quality of someone or something you conclude about his whole nature, about all his other qualities. You judge his wholeness based on one aspect. Being judgmental is also the same as bullying. Because you tend to judge someone by their ability or weaknesses.  
But judging could also help some other people to change. Some of the people, will take the judging as an inspirational advice and for that, they change. Judging corrects people. Others are pissed because they don't want others to correct them, it's called being selfish. Some are just accepting the truth because they know it will help them to change.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

6 - Boy "FRIEND"

"Why most of the girls prefer boys as their best friends?

Most of the girls prefer to befriend with boys not because they like them or anything but because they are more comfortable to be with. Some people may think they are sluts or whatever they call it. But then the perspective of the people nowadays was totally whack. There's nothing wrong about having friends with opposite sex. It's just that there are some girls who are really comfortable with guys.

If you have a boy best friend, you'll be contented even if you are not in a relationship (BOYFRIEND)
You're contented by the love that your best friend gives to you. Even if you don't do sweet things or lovey-dovey things,  you are still satisfied just to be with them.

Having a boy best friend is really really COOL!! You know, you feel proud because it's an achievement for you because it's not easy to befriends with boys because they are choosy especially when it comes to girls. They want girls that lend ears for them when they have problems. They want girls who are not sensitive and selfish and many more. And it's an achievement really that you pass their test.

Boys are not judgmental unlike girls. Boys listen first before talking or giving some advice. Unlike girls, they are fond of judging you and instead of having comfort you'll be more hurt because of what they say. Boys are good at giving comfort, and even if they don't give advice; you'll be satisfied just because they lend their ears for you. 

And this is the one of the good thing of boys. Boy best friends are more caring than girl best friends. You could feel that they really care about you. They don't slap you with harsh words but instead they are speaking in actions. You can feel protection because they are really protective. I know the feeling because I have boy best friends and whenever I'm in trouble or anything, they will do anything in order to solve or help you.

Girls prefer to be friends with boys because they are comfortable to be with them. You feel that you can trust them and you know that they will never betray you or anything. Even though they're not giving you some advices when you have problems, you can still feel the comfort. You could feel the love you want, even if you are not in a relationship.

 Best friends are just best friends. Don't go beyond that because it will not be true friendship anymore. It will be a disappointment for a girl if their boy best friend will be confessing their TRUE FEELINGS (I mean the development of what they feel) .  Girls will think that they're using their friendship to get close to them and that's disappointing.

And before I end this post, I'll leave you a quote:

"Friendship ends in love, but love in friendship never ends."
I hope you learn a lot! :3

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

5 - Fictitious Smile

"Faking smile"

What is fictitious? Fictitious simply means not real or true. In other words, fake smile, forced smile and sometimes "sarcastic smile." Why are we afraid of showing or telling other people how we really feel? Why can't we just express our feelings truthfully? These are the most frequent questions of those people who are not brave enough to show their true feelings.

Some people think that it may affect others and it might cause something that we don't really like to happen. They are just cautious and they don't really want to bother any other people. It might be complicated for them to know and it will be also complicated for you.

They are doing fictitious things to avoid certain problems. Mostly, this occurs when we really have a big problem; a big problem that you think no one will understand but you. And they're doing this because they don't want to face the reality or they don't want to think deep about it at all. Positivity for short.

Some use this in a sarcastic way. For example, you don't like a certain person. But then you can't tell them that you don't like them. So, we don't have any other choice but to get along with them FORCEFULLY (plastik! in Filipino term). It may somehow be bad but it's good on the other hand because we just don't want to start an argument or a war. You know, we're just concern about them (lol).

Others think that faking smile or happiness may help them to solve a certain problems. And some are just forced to do it because they don't know how to react on it or how to tell their problems to others. Accepting your problem and make yourself happy for short.

Fake Smile

Some uses this for the sake of other's happiness. They just want to make others happy instead of worrying about their problem. But there are some people who are not really good at hiding or lying whatever you call. You know, when you look at their face or the way they laughs, it's obvious. They are laughing at a corny jokes, they are overreacting at some point.

Well fake smile are not just used for problems but also for hiding pressure (NERVOUS)

Others don't want to show that they are nervous, because they're thinking that they may look like a weakling. This mostly happens in some presentations or recitations. And I know that some of your bully classmates feel that way, having their prides go up high and when it comes to the real thing they stutter (ha! weaklings just kidding :3)

Actually, smiling is a natural way for us Filipinos. You know, we just automatically smile when someone looks at us to show good vibes and we don't want a bad impression. That's why Filipinos are known for being cheerful and optimistic. So there, now the fake smile is an advantage for us.

"Even though we have so many problems in our lives, we should also think that they are so many reasons why we should smile"

We could use this for nice ways not only just for covering ourselves though. And also, we have to think also about the others. You know there are some people out there who is willing to listen, lend their ears out for you. And if you tell your true feelings it will make you feel relieve at the same time rather than suffering yourself to problems. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

4 - Dumb Ways to Die

"The worst ways to die."

Today, I'm gonna share to you guys some dumb reasons or ways to die:

1. To be eaten by sharks Probably the most worst and dumb reason why you've died. I know you don't want to die when you're in the moment of having fun. And it's really sad to have a tragic ending or died unexpectedly. But what's more worst is you can feel the pain *ugh*

Add caption

2. Heart attack (because of a flying cockroach)
I know it's kind of a overreacting but it's not impossible that this thing could happen. Most of the people (especially girls) are afraid of cockroaches and they're willing to die by some accidents rather than encountering a cockroach (especially the flying ones). If your family inherited a heart disease (heart attack specifically) and you are all scared of cockroaches, then you are LUCKY (lol). You all have the same reason why you all died, and it's perfect yet so so DUMB! Your precious life ended because of a COCKROACH!! How irritating is that?!

Omg It Can Fly!!!
3. Choked! (because of gluttony)
When we eat super delicious foods, we feel like we're in heaven. But don't you know that the food have the power to take you REALLY in heaven? Well, it's not the fault of the food but it's because of your GREEDINESS! And this is what I want to say... DON'T SWALLOW IT ALL FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE YOU'RE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!
4. To be hit by a train
Let's give an example for this one; you're in a train station waiting for a train to come (obviously) and then your wallet fell down the rails. What will you do? a.) Let it be there b.) Pick it up c.) Call a security guard? Well, of course you'll choose option A, but this stupid friend of yours kept annoying you to pick up your wallet so you decided to pick it up. And luckily, the train went unexpectedly and there you died. What a dumb reason to die... why? Because you bet your life because of your precious wallet and half of it is also your friend's fault! How naïve you are and your friend!

5. Electric shock (because you plug something with your wet hands)
This is one of the common reasons to die but then you've put a little spice on it so it became dumb also. I know that we're pretty mature and knowledgeable and I know this will not happen to you. But you know what they say "Curiosity could kill". Don't do unnecessary things that can harm you. Don't be so IGNORANT! Don't make yourselves as a DAREDEVIL! Because when you die, you'll be a laughing stock seriously because your reason of dying is so dumb.
6. Tripped! (because your shoelaces are untied)
Let me tell you a news about a basketball player who died because he tripped while playing basketball (and the impact of his fall was extreme). Why did he tripped? Because his shoelaces are untied (goodness gracious). He could just stop for a minute and tie his shoes, he'll just lose one score anyway. Same reason as the number 4, his basketball is more important than his LIFE.

7. Suicide
The scariest yet the dumbest of all the reasons. I know that you're depressed, you're not contented, you're bullied or whatever it is. But then, suiciding is not the best way to remove all those depressions and problems. You could just move on or go to a psychiatrist or something. Don't go ending your life just because you have so many problems and you don't know what to do. God gave us life because he wants us to learn how to fight those problems and how to be independent. Even if you do good things in life, if you suicide then you'll still go to hell. So beware!

And that's all for my post for today! I hope you learned a lot from it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

3 - 10 signs that you should know when a girl gives up

When a girl gives up, it's obvious.

1. She will not try to catch your attention.
Aha. Us girls wants attention. Even though the actions of girls is non sense we still want attention that's how we express that we like someone. So when we ignore you or that someone special to us, that's when you guys should know that we don't care anymore and we don't LIKE you anymore.

2. She will not fight for you anymore.
Girls won't defend you guys anymore. For example like when you guys did something wrong and we opened up our problems to our best friend, we won't argue with it anymore because usually when you guys did something wrong we always protect you to our friends even though we know that its really your fault but when we feel like giving up on you that's when we won't defend you guys anymore.

3. She won't reply your message as quickly anymore.
If we like a guy we would reply as quickly as possible to their messages because we want to have  good conversation and we want you guys also to reply as soon as possible too. But when we feel like giving up on you or if we don't like you anymore, girls won't reply as fast, it's because we simply don't like you anymore and we don't feel like its a "must." We don't feel like it's our responsibility to reply as the usual.

4. She won't try to keep the conversation going anymore.
It's like, when guys ask "what are you doing" and we girls would reply "Haha. I'm studying. How about you? :)" That's how we keep the conversation going. But when we replied this, "I'm studying. I'm busy, talk to you tomorrow." Did you see the difference? We are making excuses because we're not interested anymore. Leaving you a series of "yeah" and "gotta go." Leaving you waiting and waiting as you see months pass by. Not a word not even hello.

5. She will not care anymore.
This would be the most painful of all signs, because first of all when we don't care then it means there's nothing left for you. WE ARE REALLY GIVING UP ON YOU. *ugghhh* Example like when you guys are in trouble, we will not care, we'll just leave you struggling ALONE. If you were in a quarrel and its the girl's fault, she will not bother to say she's sorry but she will make it even worse and at the end it's your fault.

6. She no longer get jealous.
This is the second most painful sign. Example when you guys have a best friend who is a girl and she's okay with it that's when you should be alert because that's not normal. We, girls are very sensitive. We want to feel that we are the only girl in your mind because we are selfish when it comes to our guys. So when we don't get jealous that's the time that you should divert your attention to us and worry because it means that we don't care anymore.

7. She will flirt and talk to other guys.
It simply means that we know that you're jealous but still we girls still talk to other guys. *ouch* We don't care if you are jealous. It also means that she is finding a person that can understand her. And that's not you.

8. She no longer care if you care or not anymore.
Even though you get jealous it will be non sense because we don't care of what you think. It's okay for us that you don't care. Simply, it means your relationship is already "nothing" to her.

9. She no longer goes to you're profile and whine to people about how happy you are, talking to other girls.
We, girls want to be updated about who are the people you guys hang out with or talk to specially girls. But when we don't whine anymore it means we're getting "cold." Cold means, were on our way to giving up on you guys already.

10. She will give up on trying to make you love her. Because she finally realize that she deserves better.
One sided love. Because she knows you're used to and you know that she likes you. But you don't like her. She realizes that you're taking her for granted. She will stop and she will give up on trying to make you love her because she knows that you're not worth it and she finally realizes that you don't deserve her. That's the time you guys realize that you like her too and it's already too late, because she already gives up on you. *AWW*

2 - Love Purgatory

I think every one has been in loved. Every single one of us has already experienced being in love. And every one has their own heart break.

BREAKUPS. One word, many emotions. Breakups are always hard right? Why? Because you have to mourn someone you loved and lost. And that someone, who you thought was your forever was only your temporary forever. A friend of mine told me that nothing is definite. Everything is temporary, there's no "forever." Hahaha I know that feeling. And yes, I am saying this based on my own experience. BITTER.

But, TIME heals everything, and eventually, you'll meet someone else and start over again. Eventually everyone of us who has already felt their heartbreak, will eventually move on and forget what has happened, everyone does. Eventually, that former lover or special friend will become a distant memory.

LOVE PURGATORY. This kind of breakup is not the same. This breakup happened with a person who, no matter what you do, you cannot get over. Not a day goes by that this person doesn't cross your mind and your heart feels heavy. It's usually because the relationship is unfinished. But, you can't tell yourself that, and you certainly can't believe it because it will literally drive you mad. So instead, you tell yourself you are fine, and that you can move on. You get pretty close to fooling yourself.

That is.. until you hear that song that he or she dedicates to you. See that photos, ugghh those memories, yearn to share something or wake up thinking about him or her. Ughhh.

Then you are right back to square one. Again. MOVE ON.

There are so many people who come in and out of your life. *I know, FUDGE!* Some you date briefly and never give a second thought to, and some you like a lot, but it doesn't work out. Ouch. Then there are some who crush you, who take months to get over. Ugghh. :(

But love purgatory is different; this is the feeling you get when you know something has to end right now but isn't over for good. You can't just say , "I wish you the best, take good care of yourself" and move on. You can't end that chapter because you know you can't quit them. Not yet, and maybe not ever. And then, you are thrust into what others like to call "love purgatory."
It's a place where you know who the love of your life is, but you are currently together. Wishing and assuming. And that someone, maybe you dated briefly, maybe you had a full-fledged relationship or maybe, you have never been officially together in other words "mutual understanding." The connection with this person is so real and strong and magnetic that you are constantly pulled back. The relationship hasn't reached it's potential yet, so it can't be over. In fact, this might be the person you end up with. But, you aren't together now because of timing, studies, schedules, missed opportunities, etc. So you sit in love purgatory, just biding our time until you can both find each other again.
You find distractions and push away what you feel in order to be a sane enough human being to function life. You meet other amazing, beautiful people with whom you want to work things out, but it never happens because simply he or she just isn't (name of that person).

Maybe the problem is, again, timing. Maybe you have to learn more and grow more. In other words love purgatory means, miserably waiting for someone who you can't let go, hoping to find someone or something to keep you occupied.

People are very complicated and love is sometimes messy. If it' s not that way for you, it doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means your path was easier. For those of us currently in love purgatory, we will one day be with our person in the right timing too. :)