Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8 - SoCSIT 2k15

Wohooo! SocsIT Week? Well, I think it's only days. We only had 4 days to celebrate it. It started July 28, Tuesday. And ended July 31, Friday.

Honestly, the org JPCS handled the celebration and they did a great job on planning it. Because since it's my first time to experience that I was quite impressed that I can't believe that a college student like me planned the events. How great are they?!

The first day and the start of our soCSIT week. The first event started at 1:30 in the afternoon which is the opening ceremony and was held at the front of the school (parking lot). In that event, the JPCS members introduce each blocks and we started the parade holding our block banner. And before the opening ceremony ended, me and my block mates are expecting that they will announce who has the most creative banner among the blocks. Because our block put effort on doing that banner, and sad to say they didn't announce it.

#SS151/CN151/DF151 #HYBRID
Because we're too sad cause of the effort wasted on our banner #MOA

Well, I didn't attend the Microsoft Roadshow which was held at the cafeteria, because we didn't feel like attending it. Instead, our block was excited and thrilled at the Sportfest, because two of our blockmates, were participating the sportfest, they were included in a team in basketball. GO GREEN TEAM!!! While some of my blockmates prefer watching the game the others participated in the IT quiz and luckily the green team won their first basketball game and we also won the 3rd place in It Quiz. The 30 SECONDS FAME OR SHAME which was held at the Auditorium which we, fresh rams are required to show or talents. And it was really fun, we did silly things, danced "Pamela 1" and "Otso Otso" and we were surprised that we won the second runner up. HAHA

I'm her no. 1 fan! Haha Team Bae


The 3rd day of our SoCSIT Week. We didn't get to attend the Microsoft Roadshow, Mortal Combat Tour. We also didn't participate in the Sushi eating Contest. Because we had our nation wide Earthquake drill in the morning. And instead going to C#/Windows App Dev Workshop, me and my block mates watched and supported the Green team in basketball and luckily they won again. The next event for that day was the Mr. and Ms. SoCSIT and even though our block didn't have a representative for that event. We still supported Ms. Kyla Julian and she won the 1st runner up.

Sad to say but it's the last day of our SoCSIT week. But for me this is the most awaited day the whole week. Early that morning I participated the Color Run and it was really fun. And watched the 3rd game of the Green Team and unfortunately they didn't win. But they still got the 3rd place and two of my block mates was given an award for the Mythical Five. We attend the class of Mr. Daroy (Techwrit)And we spend our soCSIT night in the Ice Skating Rink. HAHA.

Color Run 2k15

#HYBRID SoCSIT Night haha
So that's my SoCSIT WEEK. :)



  1. I was with you all the time when the SoCSIT week happened and I really enjoyed being with you. And thank you for supporting me in the sportfest it really made me happy. :D

  2. Hope you enjoyed SoCSIT week! :)
