Thursday, August 20, 2015

11 - Ice Skating is life

"The ice skating rink is like a second world where nothing else matters"

Last Friday, August 14, 2015 was the Asia Pacific College Frosh Night. And I, unfortunately didn't attend it because I just don't feel like it. Instead, me and my block mates went to Mall of Asia. We went there just to experience ice skating the second time. Well really, it's my second time and I was really excited. Hahaha

For me ice skating feels like freedom. And trying it for the first time feels like shizz because I still don't know how to do it. The feeling that you're trying something new in you life and really feels awesome! Like your living your life to the fullest. You only live once. :)

ICE SKATING. Is moving on ice by using ice skates. It can be done for a variety of reasons, including exercise, leisure, traveling, and various sports.

Some benefits of Ice Skating:

1. Ice skating is one of the best aerobic activities there is, and the best part is, you'll be having so much fun out of the rink you won't notice how hard your body is working until you're done. Plus you'll get all the great cardio benefits without the pounding that other physical activities like running will take on your body. To reap the maximum cardiovascular benefits, keep moving, and don't just glide over the ice. Interspersing between coasting and speed skating, is a great way to boost your endurance and increase the calorie burn.
2. Endurance. Speaking of endurance, you'll also increase endurance through ice skating. The best way to do this is to participate on a routinely basis, increasing your speed and distance a little each time you get out on the ice.
3. Increased muscle. Of course your legs will get a great workout when you ice skate, and especially the hamstrings and quadriceps. You'll also build up your abdominal and lower back muscles while keeping your balance on the ice.

4. Mental benefits. As you glide across the ice, your cares literally melt away as you focus on the exercise instead of your worries. If you skate outdoors, you'll likely enjoy some beautiful scenery (naturally found in many ice skating locations) as well as having the ability to enjoy life as a kid again.

"Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have only life and one chance to do all the things you want to do."


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