Sunday, August 23, 2015

14 - Shopaholic

I love shopping! Shopaholic is a person considered to be addicted to shopping. A slang term for Compulsive Shopping also known as Compulsive buying disorder. It is the one who shops frequently. Shopaholics lose a lot of their money and possibly go broke because they've spent all of it.
Shopping. A retail or a shop is a business that presents a selection of goods and offers to trade or sell them to customers for money or other goods. Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the intent to purchase a suitable selection of them. In some contexts it may be considered a leisure activity as well as an economic one.
Being  a “Shopaholic”  is also good thing in its own ways just like the other all things in the world. Well , advantage of being a shopaholic  is so fun , because you can get to see a bunch of brands that could take your mind off of everything things or thing that happened to you today or a few days before . When you get to see the leathery smell of genuine leather shoes and bags , then you just go into the fantasy of it . And some times a shopping therapy is way to good to have rather then sitting in your couch or lying in your bed and eating Brownies, Ice creams, Toffies, Candies and all , right when you had a fight with your brother, sister, mom or dad or specially with your BFF or someone really close to your heart with whom you had just dream all of your life ahead . So, in this case being a shopaholic is a GOOD thing.
Shopaholics spend money on impulse, without really thinking about the possible consequences. There are many shopaholics among us. They shop when they are feeling down, depressed, and even frustrated. Sure, this “retail therapy” may make them feel good at the moment, but later they will feel depressed again, so that therapy did not work out.Their compulsive shopping behavior  affects other aspects of their lives such as relationships. One usually tries to hide how much money has been spent on shops. This lack of honesty can only have negative effects on relationships.
In my opinion, people who have this kind of “problem” should look for help, like a psychologist,  they only find confidence shopping because they have real issues that they can’t resolve. A person who has a cumpulsive desire to buy unnecessary things feel usually alone and down. Shopping can be a way for shopaholics to compensate for their low self image and feelings of inadequacy, since they may not know how to fulfill their emotional needs.
Image result for shopaholic


  1. shopping is bad when its too much but as what you'd mention in your blog most of us done this as a therapy for stress, so shopping moderately wont harm you ;)

  2. Guilty but true! Shopping is fun!
