Tuesday, August 25, 2015

16 - Final Blog Listing

Nares, Marc Anthony
Alfafara, Yesha Ann
Cruz, Joshua Spark
Carreon, Lean
Coronel, Sherine Jane
Jimenez, Marc Adrian
Jimenez, Jeeno
Holgado, Wyatt
Macabugao, Janella
Sta. Cruz, Jhenina Monique
Laureta, Maria Letty
Cerrada, Dominico
Dela Cruz, Joey
Llantos, Joneil Thom
De leon, Aleo Ralph

Monday, August 24, 2015

15 - I have what it takes to be a Filipino!

Andres Bonifacio said that we have to bear in mind that the true measure of honor and of charity is to die in defense of your Country. As a modern Filipino and as a student, do I really want to die for the sake of our own country? Do I really have what it takes to be a Filipino? Am I capable enough? Even though, I’m also one of the problems of our country?
Yes, I am Filipino in the most common fact that my parents are both Filipinos. I was born in the Philippines and I have never been in another country. I am a citizen in the Philippines. I studied and was raised in the Philippines. My dialect is Filipino. But even if I was born here in the Philippines, do I still have what it takes to be a Filipino? Maybe yes and maybe no. Now I came to realize this question. When I hear read and hear this statement, I doubted and asked myself “Do I really have what it takes to be a Filipino?” “Do I have the heart of a true Filipino?” This speech made me realize everything about, I being a Filipino.
Hospitable, caring, industrious, cheerful, optimistic, religious and hardworking, that’s what Filipinos are known for. But do I have these traits? Do I look like I have those traits? I am asking you guys right now, without knowing the real me, do you guys think that I look like a Filipino? Am I deserving for that title? Should I be proud that I am Filipino, even though me, myself is actually doubting it? These are some of the questions that are running in my head while I was constructing my speech.
I know, I don’t have most of the traits, but I know I have at least. Hospitable, I may not be the most hospitable person but at least I know how to make them feel that they are welcome, it’s like I choose people who I will welcome with open arms. Religious, I don’t often go to church every weekend but I pray every night and I never forget God. Cheerful, I can say that I am a cheerful person because even though I have lots of problems I still think of positive things and that’s the reason why I am always smiling. There’s no room for negativity only positivity. Loving and caring, Filipinos are the sweetest and loving people in the world. And I must say that I have this trait. Hardworking, I admit that I am lazy but most of the time I try to be the most productive when it’s needed to do so.   
But I love how we all preserve family tradition, I love how we are innately hospitable. And I love the way we complain about our country but get together when Manny Pacquiao wins. I obey and respect my elders by adding “po” in everything I say, and that’s another trait of being a Filipino.
I am Filipino. My creator planted me on a specific spot on earth, where the sun always shines, in an archipelago of 7,107 wonderful islands, which the whole world calls the “Pearl of the Orient.” Philippines is the country that God gave to me and my people, it is the birthplace of my race. My blood is a mixture of the best and the finest of the west and the east. My mind is an heir to all the great thoughts of the west, and the great virtues of the east.
I am Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Antonio Luna, Gabriela Silang and all those who fought for our land to become a nation of free people. I have what it takes to be a Filipino, because my creator’s plan is for me to live my life as a Filipino and therefore, in my heart and in my mind, I shall always be a Filipino wherever I may be in the world. God wants me to belong to the Filipino Family and as such, I am a sister to anyone and everyone who is Filipino.
You will know me by the smile on my face and the warmth of my hospitality. Most important of all, you will know me by my loving and caring heart when you are in need of help, even if you are a stranger. As a teenager, I may not have all the traits and perks of being a Filipino but as I grow older I’ll soon accustomed all the traits that I’ve been lacking. God created me as a citizen in the Philippines, and I think that is enough. I am proud that I have a heart of a Filipino and for that I can finally say that I have what it takes to be a Filipino.
            I am Filipino, and that is enough for me to love my country, Philippines.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

14 - Shopaholic

I love shopping! Shopaholic is a person considered to be addicted to shopping. A slang term for Compulsive Shopping also known as Compulsive buying disorder. It is the one who shops frequently. Shopaholics lose a lot of their money and possibly go broke because they've spent all of it.
Shopping. A retail or a shop is a business that presents a selection of goods and offers to trade or sell them to customers for money or other goods. Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the intent to purchase a suitable selection of them. In some contexts it may be considered a leisure activity as well as an economic one.
Being  a “Shopaholic”  is also good thing in its own ways just like the other all things in the world. Well , advantage of being a shopaholic  is so fun , because you can get to see a bunch of brands that could take your mind off of everything things or thing that happened to you today or a few days before . When you get to see the leathery smell of genuine leather shoes and bags , then you just go into the fantasy of it . And some times a shopping therapy is way to good to have rather then sitting in your couch or lying in your bed and eating Brownies, Ice creams, Toffies, Candies and all , right when you had a fight with your brother, sister, mom or dad or specially with your BFF or someone really close to your heart with whom you had just dream all of your life ahead . So, in this case being a shopaholic is a GOOD thing.
Shopaholics spend money on impulse, without really thinking about the possible consequences. There are many shopaholics among us. They shop when they are feeling down, depressed, and even frustrated. Sure, this “retail therapy” may make them feel good at the moment, but later they will feel depressed again, so that therapy did not work out.Their compulsive shopping behavior  affects other aspects of their lives such as relationships. One usually tries to hide how much money has been spent on shops. This lack of honesty can only have negative effects on relationships.
In my opinion, people who have this kind of “problem” should look for help, like a psychologist,  they only find confidence shopping because they have real issues that they can’t resolve. A person who has a cumpulsive desire to buy unnecessary things feel usually alone and down. Shopping can be a way for shopaholics to compensate for their low self image and feelings of inadequacy, since they may not know how to fulfill their emotional needs.
Image result for shopaholic

Thursday, August 20, 2015

13 - Foodporn in Quezon

I am from Lucena City, Quezon. And I am proud. #ProbinsyanaProblems

Filipinos, whether in their native homeland or not, have a deep, passionate and consistent love for food and anything to do with it. It is evident in the average number of meals Filipinos eat everyday, the numerous occasions wherein Filipinos bond over food, the food trips, the laughs and the rich and prolific native cuisine. If you had to do a Food Search on Filipino food, you would come out with a wide range of exotic and unique dishes that would surely make your mouth water. In fact, this collection is so delicious that an average Filipino eats a total of four meals a day. Some would go to extreme measures just to satisfy their stomachs, if not their cravings. Filipinos love to eat. It is the main reason why food industry is booming everywhere in the country. But the needs and wants of food lovers leveled up. Customers do not just come for delectable food excellent service and all other nice things, but most importantly for something different. Ambiance is the key word. They come and come back to a certain place not just to have an equitable return of their money but to have a comfortable stay and remarkable experience.
1. SILANGAN NAYON PARK AND RESTAURANT (Barangay Bantigue Pagbilao, Quezon)
Dine in a restaurant along the shoreline with the majestic view of the mysterious sea..
2. KAMAYAN SA PALAISDAAN (Tayabas City, Quezon)
Dine in the floating bamboo rats restaurant at the cool environment with alluring view of Mt. Banahaw..
3. BUDDY'S PIZZA (Sm Lucena & Lucban, Quezon)
4. CAFE JUNGLE (Lucena City, Diversion Road)
5. BUBBLES RESTAURANT (Quezon Avenue, Lucena City)
6. CAFE QUAY (Lucena City)
7. PURPLE WALL (Quezon Avenue, Lucena City)
8. CAFE MACEO MACEO (Lucena City)


12 - Short hair, don't care


So last, April 2015 and since I was child I was used to have those long, straight black-brown hair. I was afraid of making it short because I don't know whether it looks good on me. But when I decided to cut it last May 2015. I was surprised and I was like "Is this me?" "Who is that girl on my mirror." I was so thankful that it really looks good on me. Not only I cut it short, I decided to curl it for something new since at that moment I was about to step into another chapter in my life which is College life.
A lot of girls tend to trip up over the idea of cutting all of their locks off, but who knows? It could turn out to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made! I personally love having short hair. Let me tell you about the wonderful perks that come with it!
1) It takes no time to maintain or style
All I ever have to do is rearrange my bangs a little and throw in a smidge of hair product. Ultimate time-saver!

2) Hair products last FOREVER
Whether it’s a spritz of hairspray or a pinch of styling paste your products will last for a long time. You can buy salon quality products and brands and not feel guilty about it because that $30 bottle of conditioner will last for YEARS.

3) Dyeing hair isn’t an issue
If the color of your hair is off after a dye job you can just chop it off and try again. You can also do a lot of different colors because A) less hair, less time B) less hair, more product and C) frequent hair cuts, fresh slates.

4) Having less hair leaves your face open
You can do more with your makeup because there is less focus on your hair. It makes using makeup fun because you can get more creative with it without being too over-the-top.
5) Less worries about the weather fucking up your hairstyle
Even humidity can only do so much damage to a short hairstyle. The weather can’t mess up your hair if you don’t have much to mess with! Even if your hair does get a bit wavy it end up looking like you wanted it that way.
6) Short hair is absolutely adorable
7) You can try all sorts of cool cuts and styles
With my length of hair I tend to get my hair cut anywhere between 2-4 months. The frequent cuts allows me to try new styles often, and it’s nice to have a fresh new look throughout the year.
8) You can feel the wind
I live in a hot region of the world where hair is simply too much in this heat. Even when my pixie cut grows out just an inch and a half I can feel the heat. After a fresh cut I can feel the wind on my face, neck, ears…it’s perfect in the summertime (and if it gets cold in the winter pop on a hat!)
9) No more tangles
I genuinely forgot tangles were even a thing until I roomed with a girl with incredibly long hair. I’m not one who has the time or energy for that. Are you?
10) Hair emergencies are easily dealt with
Pixie cuts can be restyled in a matter of seconds. The longest it has ever taken me to style my hair is five minutes and that’s because I had to go through my hair with a hair straightener. Pop in a little hair product, re-ruffle those locks and you’re good to go!
11) You will feel sassier and sexier.Cutting off your hair is not only liberating, but it can make your confidence level skyrocket, too. Embrace and play up your features: It is more than just about your hair, so let your personality shine through.
12) You will look younger.A shorter style will give an instant lift to your face, showing off your cheekbones, your smile, your eyes—well, you name it. With a cropped cut, your natural beauty can really come through more so than when you constantly have your long mane taking center stage.


11 - Ice Skating is life

"The ice skating rink is like a second world where nothing else matters"

Last Friday, August 14, 2015 was the Asia Pacific College Frosh Night. And I, unfortunately didn't attend it because I just don't feel like it. Instead, me and my block mates went to Mall of Asia. We went there just to experience ice skating the second time. Well really, it's my second time and I was really excited. Hahaha

For me ice skating feels like freedom. And trying it for the first time feels like shizz because I still don't know how to do it. The feeling that you're trying something new in you life and really feels awesome! Like your living your life to the fullest. You only live once. :)

ICE SKATING. Is moving on ice by using ice skates. It can be done for a variety of reasons, including exercise, leisure, traveling, and various sports.

Some benefits of Ice Skating:

1. Ice skating is one of the best aerobic activities there is, and the best part is, you'll be having so much fun out of the rink you won't notice how hard your body is working until you're done. Plus you'll get all the great cardio benefits without the pounding that other physical activities like running will take on your body. To reap the maximum cardiovascular benefits, keep moving, and don't just glide over the ice. Interspersing between coasting and speed skating, is a great way to boost your endurance and increase the calorie burn.
2. Endurance. Speaking of endurance, you'll also increase endurance through ice skating. The best way to do this is to participate on a routinely basis, increasing your speed and distance a little each time you get out on the ice.
3. Increased muscle. Of course your legs will get a great workout when you ice skate, and especially the hamstrings and quadriceps. You'll also build up your abdominal and lower back muscles while keeping your balance on the ice.

4. Mental benefits. As you glide across the ice, your cares literally melt away as you focus on the exercise instead of your worries. If you skate outdoors, you'll likely enjoy some beautiful scenery (naturally found in many ice skating locations) as well as having the ability to enjoy life as a kid again.

"Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have only life and one chance to do all the things you want to do."


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

10 - Anti-Smoking

APC'S Anti-Smoking Campaign (Are you a smoker or not)

First of all, to answer this question I am not a smoker and I never tried smoking and I don't ever plan to smoke. And I agree and I am a supporter to this Anti-Smoking campaign of APC.

Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper to create a small, round cylinder called a "cigarette". Smoking is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use because the combustion of the dried plant leaves vaporizes and delivers active substances into the lungs where they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and reach bodily tissue. In the case of cigarette smoking these substances are contained in a mixture of aerosol particles and gasses and include the pharmacologically active alkaloid nicotine; the vaporization creates heated aerosol and gas to form that allows inhalation and deep penetration into the lungs where absorption into the bloodstream of the active substances occurs. The history of smoking can be dated to as early as 5000 BC, and has been recorded in many different cultures across the world. Early smoking evolved in association with religious ceremonies; as offerings to deities, in cleansing rituals or to allow shamans and priests to alter their minds for purposes of divination or spiritual enlightenment. After the European exploration and conquest of the Americas, the practice of smoking tobacco quickly spread to the rest of the world. In regions like India and Sub-Saharan Africa, it merged with existing practices of smoking (mostly of cannabis). In Europe, it introduced a new type of social activity and a form of drug intake which previously had been unknown.

I want to strongly promote the dangers of smoking to young children and teenagers around the world; however, I not only want to inform, but I want to take severe action. Over half a century ago, citizens did not have the privilege to the hazardous effects of smoking, and as a result, huge parts of the population took up the previously dubbed “glamorous” habit of smoking. Fortunately, today we are in the middle of an information age where enlightening the general public about the health risk of products is an everyday occurrence. Surprisingly, 420,000 Americans died from smoking alone and 2,000 teens became addicted to cigarettes last year. Despite the extent of awareness programs and campaigns to stop smoking, the deadly habit is still prevalent in Philippines, and even more strongly all over the world. I want to discontinue the sales of tobacco for good this time. This is the only way deaths of Filipinos from smoking will cease. I want to create a movement so well-built and so supported that tobacco companies would have to do more than write a warning label on their products, but downright stop selling them. The majority of our youth today is so swayed by peer pressure and negative parts of the media that a mass decrease of smoking is not in sight. On a brighter note, the movement against smoking is growing, and these voices must grow louder and a battle must pursue. I intensely advocate more than the awareness of our culture must be done to stop smoking. We have already aired dying lung cancer patients with tubes in their throats pleading the public to quit smoking, but they do not. We have already deployed anti-smoking advertisements about the health effects of smoking and the undeniable fact that smoking will cause lung cancer, stroke, emphysema, and heart attacks. Nonetheless, even with this ominous fate, Filipinos continue lighting up!

                         Say NO to smoking!