Wednesday, June 17, 2015

1 - College Life

So I'm going to talk about College Life or my college life. First of all I am a freshmen taking the course of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major in Software System in Asia Pacific College.
FRIENDS. How  do a freshmen like me make friends? For me there are plenty of potential friends to meet in college. Making friends is one of the big benefits of college. Meeting new kinds of people, so going outside your comfort zone might surprise you. Even in small colleges like APC, you will see the same people in your cafeteria, dorms and classes and that's how you meet your possible friends. You can also meet a friend in a library. Even hanging out students you meet in your dorm hallway is an easy way to make friends.
Time Management in College. Freshmen anxiety: the amount of unstructured time. This is one of the major differences between high school and college. In high school you may have felt that you were constantly scheduled, with very few breaks. In college, classes may be spaced out during the day with free time between each class. Or they may be bunched up into a few days mornings, or afternoons-leaving large periods of leisure time.
As a college student, don't let your fear of the unknown keep you from pursuing your career dreams. It always help to gain a little wisdom and inspiration from those who came before you. We, college students are connected with a handful of professionals who went back to school mid-career and never looked back.
Happy Wednesday means no classes. :)